5 Signs Your Current Packaging Machine is Burning Money

Danielle Ohl

Burning-money-with-bad-technology.jpgHaving the ability to package your own product is priceless. That is, if you have a packaging machine that is innovative, rugged, and offers the right packaging solution for your product. As the packaging market offers packaging systems and materials for all budgets, quality control standards, and marketing purposes, how can you tell that you are working with the best machine for your business? Let’s look at five signs that you might be due to upgrade your packaging machinery.

1. Your Packaging Machine is Inefficient

A clear sign that you need to look into innovative packaging machine solutions involves straight ROI. Is your packaging machine producing the quality and quantity of product your business demands? If not, what’s the hold up? If the prospect of an upgrade scares you, think about what you may lose if you do not update your machinery. Your competitors are already looking at the latest and greatest in packaging automation. Upgrade now and get ahead of the curve.

2. The Technology is Outdated 

Back to the upgrading issue. Packaging technology changes almost annually. Sure, when you invested a chunk in innovative packaging solutions in 1988 the machine was ahead of its time. But in today’s market it’s a dinosaur. To keep up with the latest technology, you need to think about upgrading packaging machines as part of your regular expenses. The longer you wait to update your machinery, the more disruptive the process may be, simply due to the learning curve of new technologies. 

sorting-frozen-foods-before-packaging.jpg3. Your Business Has Increased Production

If your business is increasing its production, congratulations! That’s a wonderful sign of a healthy operation. However, if your packaging machine is not capable of keeping up with the level of production that your consumers now demand, it’s time to look for more innovative packaging solutions. Thankfully in this market there are machines and materials for practically anything that requires packaging. Do your research to find a machine that can handle your increased production needs. 

4. Marketing Needs Have Evolved

If you were okay with using a basic packaging style when you first started out, but now want to improve your marketing, product branding, and visibility, your packaging is the first place to look. Every business goes through product packaging improvements; that comes with the territory of manufacturing and distribution. To support this makeover, you will need innovative packaging machine solutions that can handle your upgraded marketing approach.

5. Your Product Line Has Expanded

Along with a healthy business comes the opportunity to expand your product line. If your packaging machine is unable to produce more or does not have the capability to handle multiple types of products, then it may be holding your business back. 

If you are looking for a packaging machine that can hold its own in your growing business, check out Viking Masek's expansive line of innovative packaging solutions and available options to upgrade your machinery. Our packaging experts are well-versed in the various types of machinery and materials available today. We will help you find the perfect solution for your packaging needs.


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