Rise of the Mom and Pop Coffee Shop

Danielle Ohl

Whether you’re starting a new coffee business or you’re a seasoned coffee shop owner looking to expand into new markets, the need to bag and store your masterfully crafted coffee is a must.  

The demand for premium-roast coffee is on the rise. With 100 million U.S. coffee drinkers reaching for a cup of their favorite brand daily, it would seem you’ve picked a great time to be in the business. 

The growth of smaller Indie/Mom & Pop coffee brewers is being recognized throughout the country. Eater.com highlights a few companies to look out for but there are many more where that came from. Growth is expected to expand from about 53,987 coffee shops to 55,246 by 2016.   

In many ways the coffee shop has become America’s business office. An increasing number of freelance workers find that a café offers a place to enjoy a great beverage, take in a great atmosphere, and get their work done. 


As with any growing business you will be faced with a lot of decisions. And of all the choices you will make (here come’s the biased part) your coffee bagging system is one of the most important. I know, we’re shameless- buthere’s why! The fact is, after you’ve invested in quality beans, purchased a state of the art coffee roasting machine, hired a master coffee roaster and finally found the perfect flavor blend; capturing and preserving the taste, aroma and quality of that coffee is not only important, it’s everything! 

Proper bagging techniques can be easy with the right machine. Vertical Form Fill and Seal Machines are one of the more popular options. As you know, after roasting, coffee beans release gasses. Some roasters allow their coffee beans to de-gas for longer periods of time before packaging, risking losing the fresh taste associated with newly roasted beans. By allowing the roasted beans to de-gas for shorter periods of time, the end user experiences a fresher cup of Joe.

There are packaging solutions that allow you to both package your coffee at its freshest and allow for de-gassing. By using modified atmosphere packaging, or what's also known as gas flushing, you will ensure your bag is prepared to be filled. You can then follow that by adding a one-way de-gassing valve to your bag. This is a great benefit as it releases the remaining gasses in the bag slowly and over time which further ensures your customer will enjoy a fresh tasting bag of coffee. When looking for bagging options, flat bottom, quad, pillow, and premade bags are popular within the coffee industry. These bagging styles offer consumers an easy to use and easy to reseal system, making their experience with your coffee even more enjoyable. 

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