
Packaging Equipment Blog
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The dairy products packaging market, valued at $880 billion in 2016, is expected to grow at a rate of 4.5% over the next decade. There are many factors fueling this growth; let’s take a look at four top trends:
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Consider these 3 important points when shopping for powder packaging machinery.
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It was another Natural Products Expo West for the books! We caught up with our experts post-show to quiz them about the natural/organic product packaging trends they saw at the expo.
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As a contract packager, when you're looking for new packaging equipment, the clock is already ticking. You not only need equipment quickly, but the packaging system cost must be justified by the potential profit. Here are 5 ways to ensure the best ROI on future packaging machine investments.
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Fill and seal equipment makes up the largest segment of the packaging machinery market. It wasn't always this way. Here's why CPG companies are increasingly investing in this machine type.