The pillow bag advantage

Globally, pillow bags are the fastest growing type of packaging. Pillow bags are a food industry standard and offer many advantages over other bag options. If you’re considering using pillow bags, here are four advantages that we think are particularly important to food manufacturers.
Pillow bag machines are economical – Because pillow bags are less complex to make, the machine that makes them costs less. Although there are advantages to using other bag styles such as flat bottom bags or Doypacks, those bag types are more complex to manufacture. The tucking and seals that give those bags their shape require additional assemblies on the machine, which adds to the machine’s cost.
Easy changeovers – Once again, the pillow bag’s simple style makes it a winner. It is much easier to switch from producing one size pillow bag to another when packing a variety of different sizes. This is particularly important for co-packers or small manufacturers with a limited number of machines. Simply change the forming tube and film, then make some easy, tool-free adjustments to the machine. There is less downtime and less film used when setting up a pillow bag machine than a machine that forms other bag types.
Simpler machine setup and operation – Using a pillow bag vs. other bag types can also save payroll and make it easier to find employees. The operator does not need a high level of skill or a lot of experience to produce quality packaging. Manufacturers can select from a larger hiring pool because previous packaging machine experience, while helpful, is not necessary when learning how to operate a pillow bag machine.
Pillow bags help manufacturers meet the needs of today’s customers – Snacks are becoming an important part of the way U.S. consumers eat. Even food that wouldn’t traditionally be thought of as snacks are now considered snacks when packaged in smaller sizes. And where are most of these snacks purchased? At a convenience store. A study by IRI Worldwide showed that 87% of pretzels, 77% of tortilla chips, and 76% of potato chips are purchased at convenience stores. The convenience store customer likes the lightweight, easy open convenience pillow bags provide; which is why most convenience stores sell almost anything you can think of packaged in a pillow bag.
Pillow Bag Packaging Consultation
If you’re interested in learning more about pillow bags or how an automated packaging solution can help you request a free consultation. We’ll be happy to explore your packaging options.