Top 3 Benefits of Configurable Packaging Machines

Rick Leonhard

Configurable packaging machines are no longer the wave of the future. They are the standard in equipment for companies looking for a versatile packaging solution that can grow and change with their business needs. Thanks to modern technology and innovative packaging machinery designs, configurable machinery is an option that can boost the bottom line of your business. To further illustrate this point, here are three reasons that configurable packaging machines are the way to go.

Configuration and Innovation

To get started with configurable machinery, you want to find a machine that will be compatible with your current needs. How do you do this? Start by researching machinery that matches your current packaging specifications. Most modern machinery manufacturers will show equipment specifications on their websites. If not, you should be able to contact the manufacturer and get this information easily. 

Decide which specs are necessary immediately and which specifications you may need to configure in the future. Straight out of the gate, you are already saving money by choosing a machine that can be amended to future needs, rather than having one custom built for a single purpose. This will also allow you to brainstorm additional configurations as you realize the possibilities the equipment can offer in the future.

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Say Goodbye to Repurposing

Often owners of packaging machinery will choose to repurpose, rebuild, or retrofit their current equipment to fulfill a new demand. While this can sometimes provide a short-term and more immediate solution with a lower initial investment than acquiring new packaging equipment, the long-term implications point to problems. When any piece of equipment is retrofitted, the fact remains that it is not being used for its original intended purpose, and thus may not be the most efficient and reliable long-term fix. 

Instead, investing in configurable packaging equipment with easy, tool-free changeover ensures maximum versatility with minimum risk of issues that arise when retrofitting a piece of equipment for uses other than for what it was built.

Tried and Tested Equipment 

When you install a new piece of machinery, you are always going to have a breaking in period. This is the time when the machine - and your team - get into their groove and becoming more familiar with the piece of equipment. All of its bugs are worked out through testing as well as trial and error. Furthermore, each time you commission a new unit you must train employees on how to use it. This is time-consuming, not to mention costly financially. Avoid this issue by sticking with a configurable packaging machine. This way, modular changeover parts are the only components that need changing when switching to a different configuration, allowing the machine’s operators to continue running the rest of the unit as usual. 

Source of Configurable Packaging Machinery

Here at Viking Masek Global Packaging Technologies, we specialize in configurable packaging machines. If you are in the market for a packaging machine that can be configured to your current (and future) operations, let us know. Contact Viking Masek to request a consultation or quote for configurable packaging equipment today.