The Cartoning Market's Latest Trends

Have you considered incorporating a cartoning solution at your company? It’s an automated, timesaving, accurate packaging solution, so it's no wonder the packaging and cartoning industry is flourishing… in spite of some challenging trends in the industry.
According to a recent survey from our friends at PMMI, The Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Institute:
- The industry is challenged by widespread supply chain issues and a labor shortage.
- These supply chain problems impact the availability and cost of raw materials and parts.
- Over 90 percent of CPGs say these problems are either incredibly or somewhat impactful.
- Most companies expect them to be resolved within three years, but at least 25 percent of companies think it’ll take longer.
- A whopping 90 percent of American CPGs report that labor shortages impact their performance.
So why is the cartoning industry booming against these trends? Here are three key factors that are helping drive success in the market.
- Food and Drink Grow by Leaps and Bounds
Recent data shows consumer purchasing habits in the food and drink market increasing after pressure has been lifted since the lockdown. This continued demand for processed packaged food and drink is a significant reason for the growth in the cartoning/packaging machinery market.
- Scalability is the Name of the Game
With workforce restrictions, changing regulations, safety measures, compliance challenges, and sky-high energy costs creating headaches worldwide for operators, scalability has moved to the front of the operations line. Scalability is more easily accomplished through automation and cartoning because when costs and resources can be scalable, it gives operators a more comprehensive range of production options.
- Eco-Friendly for All
It's all the rage - and for excellent reasons. Eco-friendly packaging with cartoning promotes your organization's sustainability goals, reduces the carbon footprint, uses eco-friendly supplies (read: not plastic), minimizes packaging design materials, and reduces waste. If you ask us, those are some airtight reasons to consider the switch to recyclable carton packaging.
As the cartoning industry is expanding, Viking Masek is working hard to provide top-tier solutions through the value of speed, precision, and gentle handling. Our machines are versatile enough to accommodate a wide variety of carton shapes and flap closures. Depending on your needs, Viking Masek provides a few different types of solutions including:
- Endload Cartoner CAM – Designed to match specific applications, exact speeds, and precise range requirements.
- Wraparound Cartoner CAM W – Accommodates a broad range of applications.
- Topload Cartoner CLM – Able to close one, two or three flaps of cartons, handles products gently.
- Topload Cartoner CFM – Capable of running different carton shapes in single, double, or triple head operation.
At Viking Masek, if we've said it once, we've said it a thousand times. We partner with our clients for the long haul. We are always a phone or Zoom call away if you have questions or need help with your carton automation. So, this quote, taken from PMMI's survey, serves as proof that partnership and collaboration are (thankfully) replacing the purely transactional packaging relationships:
"We don't need somebody to come and sell us their latest piece of technology and then walk away and go on to the next customer. We want to buy from somebody who will train us. We might not get it right the first time or the second time, but if we can get a partner who is going to stick with us and invest their time in helping us get it right, that's the one I'd go for."
— Manager, Global Personal Care Company
Want to talk about cartoning? Call us at 920-564-5051 or set up a free consultation. We look forward to talking about your cartoning needs.
Recently released, the 2022 Packaging Machinery Global Market Report indicated that cartoning growth is expected to increase significantly over the next four years. According to the report, the packaging machinery market could reach $50.7 billion in 2026 at a compound annual growth rate of 5.45 percent.